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5 foods that help you quit smoking

Smoking can increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. When you smoke, you will bring prenatal nicotine into your body. Because nicotine addicts stop smoking becomes a very difficult thing, and you still want to smoke more. Smoking leads to some changes in the brain and your body, but there are some foods that can help you to overcome this drug effectively.

1. Milk: Whenever you want to smoke, drinking a glass of milk can benefit you. When the milk mixed with the toxins present in cigarettes, it will leave a bad taste in your mouth that can protect you from smoking.

2. Salt: lick a little salt can help prevent smoking. Salt properties as anti-depression, which can suppress the feeling anxious when you quit smoking.

3. Ginseng: nicotine in cigarettes hormone stimulates the release of dopamine, a hormone makes you have fun in the brain. Ginseng prevents the release of dopamine caused by nicotine. It can help reduce feelings march tired when you try to quit smoking. You can add powdered ginseng tablespoons milk and drink it 3 times a week.

4. foods containing vitamin C: Smoking makes our body lack of vitamin C. Eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, guava, etc. can complete vitamin C to your body and can help reduce addiction smoking.

5. Vegetables: Vegetables like celery, eggplant, carrots, ginger Hebron Colin cold cabbage and cucumber should eat before smoking. Like milk, they left a bitter taste in your mouth when you smoke. These foods also reduce the addiction to nicotine content.

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