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75 countries in the world facing ZIKA

Zimbabwe (ZIKA) is a disease that should not worry too much, because the infection can heal spontaneously but what that concern and compassion that is when the disease occurs in women are possible pregnancy and infant brain damage is wrong with the report of the world health organization has found that there are 75 countries and Zimbabwe disease.

According to research by the World Health Organization until May 20, 2016, concluded that the virus enzyme during pregnant women, leading to the baby's brain has a congenital abnormality. Obviously recently in Asia such as Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia, have infections Zimbabwe, which causes babies born with small heads three counts. Infants born with Zimbabwe facing that affect nerves such as:

- Hard drinking
- Paralyzed limbs limbs soft
- Not like a normal kid growing
- Can cause death from the disease.

So far, children born with Tajikistan they are being taken seriously, however so far not yet have a vaccine or cure yet, so as to prevent Zimbabwe's going on children you should follow the following ways:

- If necessary, pregnant women, couples or women planning to become pregnant should not or do not need to travel to areas with outbreaks or Zimbabwe are ill and are applicable to strictly defense.

- Men and women who come from areas with outbreaks or illness Zimbabwe apply safe sex (using a condom) or have sex for at least 6 months after return Zimbabwe to prevent infection By sex.

- Couples or women planning a pregnancy, who recently returned from the area where the explosion or patients with allergy to wait at least 6 months before trying to get pregnant to ensure that no infected allergy to infants with fertilization.

- Sexual partners of women who returned from the area where the outbreak or illness Zimbabwe must practice safe sex by using a condom or avoid sex during pregnancy.

- Women who use sex without protection but do not want to get pregnant due to a viral enzyme used clemency come and emergency contraception, consult a physician specialist in public health facilities.

- Pregnant women who have symptoms of a viral enzyme pregnancy often a doctor in public health facilities and physicians who are trained properly.

Please note that in our world since 2007 to end of November 2016, 75 countries reported that patients with allergy. 28 countries reported that babies born small head wrong. 19 with symptoms of weakness, hands and other limbs. The country from 2007 to 2010 also comes with Zimbabwe 7 cases currently no evidence this type of virus circulating.

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