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Key to preventing ovarian cancer

It's very difficult to detect ovarian cancer in its early stages because it rarely shows any obvious symptoms. And when you see symptoms, it may be too late to treat. So, the disease was considered a vicious disease in women but regular cancer screening tests may help women. Meanwhile, a number of preventive measures that women should be carried out before they were affected by the disease.

1.             Eat green vegetables: green vegetables rich in compounds that help prevent several kinds of cancer. Broccoli and cabbage contains Sulforaphane and Spinach vegetables contains Apigenin them as anti-cancer compounds. Eating these foods at least twice or three times a week will help protect women from ovarian cancer.
2.     Avoid meat processing: Some studies claim that eating excessive processed meat may increase the chance of cancer ovarian. Meanwhile, it's a good thing to avoid eating red meat and meat processing.

3.     Sugar: Sugar is said that it promotes the growth of cancer cells, so it is good to eat it was the lowest level. Meanwhile, sugar changing environment of your body, making it favorable for cancer cells to grow.

4.     Green tea: Another study claimed that regular consumption of green tea may prevent increased risk of ovarian cancer. National flavonoids are present in said to be able to reduce inflammation and prevent cancer.

5.     Exercise: Exercise is an effective cancer preventive measures and ensure that your diet is low in fat and you have a lot of physical activity. Avoid alcohol and exercise regularly.

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