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Why are single can really kill you within a stroke?

Experts have discovered that a lasting marriage is likely to stay away from dying from a stroke. One spouse waits for care when you are sick and health problems can improve survival until to 71 percent, according to a study found.

In the United States, more than 795,000 people have a stroke every year and the death toll 130,000, of the 20 people the chance of long term survival and enough of a stroke depend heavily the rehabilitation nursing care and support after a stroke.

Experts at Duke University in North Carolina suspects that these are the main reasons you had better after they have a stroke because they have someone to remember their caregivers.

The researchers tracked 2,351 people for five years on average after a stroke, they have found that those who had experienced marriage when they have a stroke they have a life expectancy 71% than those who had never married. But they also found that the marital breakup or a widow or widower seemed less hopeful.

The researchers say that these stroke patient’s survival may be influenced by the experience painful divorce.

They found that patients who were divorced, 23 percent may die after a stroke, and those with a widower could die more than 25 per cent of adults who were married again.

The researchers wrote in the Journal of the American Heart Association that faces strokes we suspect lasting marriage can benefit in managing the disease better and prolong survival after this life-threatening disease. The discovery at the present time, the relationship between married again after divorce or widows cannot get health benefits as the marriage endures.

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