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The consumption of beef and pork are good for blood pressure

Red meat is thought to be a cancer-causing agent and cause higher blood pressure. Of course, these nutritional guidelines, America and Britain should not suggest that eating more beef, pork More than 70 grams per day. But a new review of research from Purdue University found the opposite result.

According to the study, the intake of red meat more than the recommended daily did not affect the risk of heart disease in the short term such as blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood. They found that unprocessed red meat is a good source of nutrients for the patient.

Red meat is a nutrient-rich food that are not only a source of protein, but it is also a rich foods iron. The amount of red meat in the diet comes from a study that studied the eating habits of diet with cardiovascular disease.

However, these studies have shown that these people usually eat red meat, but they were not designed to show that meat red cause cardiovascular disease.

To track the issue further, Professor Campbell has worked with Lauren O'Connor and researcher Dr. Jung Eun Kim to review and analyze Research on the past. We found that eating red meat more than half of the number of instructions per day, or three ounces consumed 3 times one week, the concentration of bad cholesterol, blood pressure, total blood cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides according to the FTA, O'Connor said. This research studied all kinds of red meat, mostly beef and pork unprocessed.

Professor Campbell said they need more analysis to evaluate blood pressure and cholesterol, which is not a factor Set in a unique evolutionary development of heart disease.

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