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Smoking during pregnancy can damage the kidneys baby

Pregnant women need to pay attention to health as much as their health can have a direct impact to the fetus its.

What pregnant women need to eat as foods, drinks, drugs, etc., can affect her child, both positive and negative. Now, we know that smoking has a very negative impact on anyone who smokes or not pregnant women others. Toxins that are present in cigarette smoke, along with other dangerous substances such as nicotine content can assemble immune system and cause damage. Some of the effects of smoking, such as yellow teeth, black lips, mouth odor problems digestive problems, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss bad fatigue, respiratory diseases, inflammation of the lips, mouth, nose, throat cancer and lung. So, with a lot of negative effects of smoking should stop it completely, especially pregnant women to give it up immediately.

In a recent study on smoking and fetal kidney damage claims in cases where the mother's smoking RA during pregnancy, the fetus was noted that kidney disease when they were born. It has been noticed that the chances of developing bruised kidney disease in children when they were younger this accounted for 16.7% of the experts' conclusions.

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