Is it safe for a woman taking fertility?
Medical science has grown so much that no problem can be solved
easily, it helps a couple who wanted children became parents.
The scientists found the drug helped in many varieties that can
help pregnant women and can be a problem some of which are present in a woman's
uterus, vagina and they can even deal with the balance of hormones. So, what
helps in fertilization safe? Here are some reasons you should be careful before
1. The Church of ovarian stimulation: the fertility drugs may not
be safe, because in some cases it works stimulate the uterus to increase
fertility, it can cause an illness known as prostate disease ovarian
stimulation. In this case the fallopian tubes swell up and start fluid.
2. pregnant at the same time: fertility drugs can increase the
chances of pregnancy at the same time due many of the egg in the fallopian
started to give birth at one time, and cases of premature birth and infant
death surface is a common problem for pregnant at one time.
3. ovarian damage: the fertility drugs may not be safe to use
because they can cause the condition one, known as ovarian damage, it reduces
the number of eggs a woman's lot in every time.
4. premature menopause: the use of assisted fertilization term can
lead to premature menopause this can cause hormonal imbalances in the body.
5. ovarian cancer: A study has confirmed that women who used
fertility drugs long-term increased risk of evolution to ovarian cancer
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